present ^
Metodova English Debating Society (MEDS) is the English programme part of the Debate Club by the Metodova High School in Bratislava. Academic Debating aims to develop student personality, his/her critical thinking, argumentation and public presentation skills, mainly through participation to the Karl Popper Debate Format competitions. This activity in Slovakia is fostered by the Slovak Debate Association.
As such, MEDS is open to students who wish to take up debating in English language.
Training sessions during the first (autumn-winter) term in 2003/2004 were on Thursday 14:30 - 16:00. Sessions during the second (spring-summer) term in this academic year
weren't yet set.
The list of students currently enrolled in debating in English is:
- Petra Malovičová, 3. Af
- Linda Krkošková, 3. Af
The coach and the adjudicator is:
Contact us:
history ^
MEDS was created in 1999, when a former debater, Ján Jaďuď, came back to Metodova as a coach and started preparing a team for the Slovak nationals in Karl Popper debate format in English. At the first call, eight came but three stayed: Mária Lokajová (3. Af), Martin Barinka and Martin Kuštek (4. Af). Under Jano's guidance, they attended successfully their first tournament which took place in Humenné and came out as 4th. They would never give debating up since.
The three created an unseparable entity and participated together at BratMUN 2001, the Bratislava Model United Nations conference. Then, again, they struck some luck, and by active participation, and eagerness to have fun, they won the Best Delegation and the Best Delegate Awards. This event made them know many people.
At the 2001 tournament, 1st round in Banská Štiavnica, the team participated without their coach. Instead, Maja Svrčková from IB was assigned as the team chaperone. Since that, the team has taken the name of the Mavericks, fist because it started by M, second, because the were the sole not to have a coach with them. The 2nd round held in Piešťany was the team's last event, as the boys had it close to the graduation exams. The team scored best: 2nd in Slovakia, after a 3:2 finals with Šrobárova, Košice.
Ján Jaďuď is finishing his studies at the Faculty of Commerce at University of Economics in Bratislava. Mária Lokajová currently studies Law at Charles' University in Prague, Martin Barinka studies Political Sciences at University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica. Martin Kuštek studies Management and International Relations at Comenius' University and University of Economics in Bratislava.
Former debaters:
- Miroslava Repková, ok. A / 4. E
- Dávid Fekete, 5. Bf
- Katarína Cséfalvayová, 5. Bf
- Daniel Kopecký
- Diana Kušteková, Choppero
- Katarína Pauličková, Choppero
- Radka Tomášová, Choppero
Former coaches and adjudicators: